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Lead Designer

GORPROJECT as Lead Designer and Design Manager develop/manage the entire project documentation, and control the implementation of all design works throughout the design/construction process.


Lead Designer takes full responsibility for the project design from the start to the completion and commissioning.

Site Potential Analysis

Assessment of the maximum possible total building area and GLA, acceptability of the planned functional uses, existing height limitation, statutory setbacks, daylighting requirements, building density, transportation, engineering, infrastructure and other factors of the urban planning context. Influence of the future development on the urban planning context and the immediate neighbourhood and environment.


Masterplan or urban planning concept is an important part of the territory development concept, containing various aspects (functional zoning, transportation scheme, landscape strategy, daylighting analysis and space-planning solutions to confirm the area technical and economic parameters.

Architectural concept

Initial stage of design development, that forms the main ideas of composition and architectural features of the future object, its space planning, massing and style, thus identifying the level of complexity and technical/economic parameters of the subsequent design and construction phases. Concept proposals form the basis for further design development through to the working documentation stage.

Project Design Documentation

Development of project design documentation in accordance with Decree of the Government of Russian Federation No. 87 allows the Client to obtain all necessary statutory approvals, including the State Expertise consent and building permit. The Lead Designer participates in the presentation and defense of his design solutions with State Expertise and in prior consultations with statutory bodies. If necessary (in case of inevitable deviations of the design from regulatory requirements and Building Codes), Special Technical Conditions are getting developed and approved.

Working documentation

Working documentation is the most detailed and time-consuming design stage, it includes all the necessary data for the construction of the future building (detailed and large scale drawings, specifications, schedules, etc.).

Tender documentation

Package of drawings, specifications and schedules of the necessary building materials, elements and equipment for preliminary cost estimates needed for planned tender process. Based on tender documentation package tenders are held to select main contractor as well as suppliers of materials and equipment.

Author supervision over construction process

Architectural author supervision is carried out by the Designer and Author of working documentation package to ensure that the quality of works, materials and equipment comply with original design intent, idea and style as specified by the author in the architectural design.

Support of international design companies in Russia

GORPROJECT have an extensive experience of collaboration with leading international design companies and contractors with design documentation developed in accordance with European and American Standards and Building Codes. We offer our colleagues from other countries entering the Russian market the best solutions in supporting their designs through adaptation of documentation packages at all stages of the project.

BIM design

GORPROJECT apply BIM in their daily work in solving the most diverse and complex tasks: from developing the calculation models of load-bearing structures to designing the services engineering systems in 3D. Structural modelling is carried out in Autodesk Revit Structure, forming the basis for the packages at ‘Design Documentation’ and ‘Working Documentation’ stages. Services engineering systems are developed with Autodesk Revit MEP, which allows the building services to be optimally positioned, thus minimizing the number of possible design errors and collisions.