Multifunctional Ice Arena
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Ural Mining Metallurgical Company (UMMC)
Project stages
Design documentation
Working documentation
Urban planning was developed with HPP Architekten (Germany)
General Designer
Under construction
2018 — present

Special attention is paid to holding concert events of the highest level. During the construction of the building, 224 light projectors and 188 acoustic clusters will be used. 1,345 CCTV cameras will be used to ensure the safety of visitors inside and around the arena.

Strong reinforced concrete and steel structures are equipped with a structure monitoring system that allows real-time monitoring of the condition of all structural elements of the building.

The sports complex will be surrounded by a stylobate – a stepped base through which spectators can get inside. The stylobate will include a small (training) ice arena, numerous technical rooms, as well as a parking lot for fans’ cars and buses that will deliver players.

All design work is carried out in a single information model. During the development of the project, modeling tools were widely used (structural calculations, acoustics, lighting, traffic analysis, lighting, etc.), which was carried out by exporting the BIM model of the object to the calculation complexes.


Computer modeling of sound reinforcement systems has been completed, specialized solutions for architectural and construction acoustics have been developed. This will allow the Arena to become one of the best multifunctional venues in Europe and to hold sports and concert events at a high level.